Eyelash make-up – 6 most common mistakes

Unfortunately, there are not many women with naturally beautiful eyelashes. Most of us have to fight for them using different methods available. Here, the best solution is make-up unless we make one of these 6 most common mistakes. Check to see if you know how to do eyelash make-up properly so that you don’t harm them in any way.
1. Using the eyelash curler after applying mascara
The eyelash curler is a tool that arouses mixed feelings because it is used to form eyelashes by squeezing them. For this reason it’s recommended that people with thin and weak lashes use it only for special occasions. It’s easy to cause same damage if you use it improperly, for example after applying mascara. The first rule says that you must use the curler before applying the formula, because every layer makes the hair more fragile and susceptible to damage.
2. Sleeping with make-up on
The most common mistake, and the worse of all, is sleeping with make-up on. Because of the lack of time, tiredness or laziness, we go to sleep in make-up or do it inaccurately in a rush. Mascara that dries up during the night creates a layer that makes the eyelashes more fragile and prone to damage. Also, the lashes and the skin around cannot regenerate.
3. Skipping daily eyelash care
How important is the condition of eyelashes in make-up? Contrary to common opinions, it is very important. Only strong, elastic and tick eyelashes will look good in make-up. Even the best mascara is helpless when confronted with weak lashes. Therefore, skipping daily eyelash care is a huge mistake. It’s enough to use eyelash serums that will supplement the nutrient deficiencies. Thanks to them, the eyelashes regenerate faster and stronger.
4. Too frequent use of waterproof mascaras
Waterproof products are a salvation for many women who have a problem with watery eyes. Unfortunately, the ingredients that build up the hydrophobic layer on the lashes are not indifferent to us and can damages the eyelashes. In addition, waterproof mascaras are difficult to remove, require a strong make-up remover and intensive rubbing of an eye. A good idea is to leave waterproof formulas only for special occasions and find a mascara that will be very durable, even though it’s not waterproof.
5. Using old mascaras
Mascara, like any other cosmetic, has its own shelf life. After this time, it loses its properties, the quality deteriorates and in some cases can even damage the eyelashes. How long can you use mascara? Most formulas can be used for 3 months, although some better products can be used for up to 6 months. After this time the formula can stick the eyelashes together making the make-up less spectacular.
6. Not being careful with the eyelashes
Do you wake up in the morning and rub your eyes with your hands? Do you have the obsession of touching and rubbing your eyes, for example in stressful situations? When you rub your face with a towel, you rub your eyes too? All this means that you are not sensitive enough to your eyelashes. Remember that your eyelashes are really thin and weak and can be easily destroyed or broken. Treat the eye area gently during everyday care, make-up and other activities.