Eyelash make-up & care – useful tricks

Most of women dream of nicely emphasized, beautiful eyelashes. If you are one of them, learn a few tricks that will make your make-up and care a very easy and pleasant task.
Make-up & care – tricks
Are your eyelashes thin and sparse? You can easily mask it by applying subsequent layers of mascara. Remember, however, that the more coats you apply, the worse your lashes look and are more clumpy. Two or three layers of mascara are definitely enough. Apply each of them only when the previous one has dried.
If you use skin care cosmetics for the area around the eyes, be careful not to touch your eyelashes. The greasy consistency could make it difficult to apply mascara and make your make-up less durable. Also, remember that eyelash curlers should always used before applying mascara.
How to apply mascara?
- Start the application from the lash roots – hold the brush in a way that the eyelashes are between the brush bristles. This way every hair will be coated thoroughly and well-separated. To avoid smudging the eyelid, lift it up slightly; you can screw up your eyes.
- Carefully cover the upper eyelashes. At the beginning, apply the formula horizontally, with zigzag movements at the base, then vertically moving the brush upwards. You can also rotate the brush to apply the formula simultaneously from the roots to the tips.
- Wait for the first layer of mascara to dry, then apply another one. Finally, apply mascara on the lower lashes – set the brush vertically so that the movements are precise.
How to curl the eyelashes?
There are several methods of more or less durable eyelash curling. Choose the best one:
- mascara – the simplest and the most popular method of eyelash curling. Use a mascara that contains ingredients that curl eyelashes and fix the final effect;
- brush – immediately after applying mascara, when the formula has not dried yet, brush your lashes several times from the outside (from the side of the eyelids). At the same time, try to light them slightly up until the formula is completely dry;
- eyelash curler – it is a recommended way to curl the eyelashes. Remember to use it if before applying mascara. Generally, be very careful when using the tool – one improper move can damage your eyelid or eyelash line;
- teaspoon – this is a simple way to curl eyelashes and at the same time protect the eyelid from the mess. All you need to do is place the spoon on your eyelid and apply mascara. What’s more, a chilled spoon is a good remedy for swollen eyelids.
How to extend the eyelashes?
There are several ways you can extend your eyelashes. Here are the most popular ones:
- mascara – there are mascaras that contain ingredients that lengthen eyelashes. They usually have thin brushes with thick bristles;
- combination of a primer and a mascara – the effects given by the primer and the mascara may be similar, but the first product further extends the durability of make-up and makes the eyes look nicer;
- transparent powder or talc – those are old but effective methods for lengthening and thickening eyelashes. The powder surrounds every hair and create an additional layer on their surface. Then the mascara should be applied;
- applying mascara to the tips of the eyelashes – put one layer of mascara to the whole length of eyelashes then wait until it is dry. Apply the next layer only to the tips of the lashes so that they appear longer and curled up.