Grey eyelashes – why do eyelashes go grey and how to stop it?

The ageing process affects not only hair and skin, but also eyelashes. Over time, their growth potential drastically decreases: they grow shorter, weaker, thinner and more vulnerable. The hair follicles shrink, therefore the eyelash line gets thinner. Do eyelashes go grey? How to deal with it?
At a certain age grey hair is no surprise. Despite the fact that this is not the most pleasant situation – we accept it. However, greying eyebrows and eyelashes can be quite an undesirable surprise for many women.
Both eyelashes and eyebrows have the same structure as hair on the head – that’s why they go grey over the years.
What makes eyelashes and eyebrows go grey?
- ageing of the body,
- poor diet (deficiencies of vitamins and micro-elements),
- stress,
- taking certain drugs (especially antibiotics),
- smoking,
- some chemical eyelash treatments,
- some diseases.
My eyelashes and/or eyebrows are grey – what to do?
Hair greying is associated with a decrease in melanin in the body. This does not mean that the hair is dead – the eyelash will grow, fall out and regrow again – just like before, but the lack of colour is an irreversible process. It is extremely rate for a grey lash to regrow in a dark colour – it is possible, however, if we take proper care of our eyelashes and eat well.
Grey eyelashes and eyebrows – how to take care of them?
Fortunately, there are several effective ways to improve the condition of grey eyelashes. How to take care of grey eyelashes? How to cover up the greying of eyebrows or eyebrows? Here are some of the ways:
- Darkening mascara – it can be a mascara that contains henna – applied to hair makes them darker and the grey hair becomes less visible. A good idea is also a mascara with nutrients and regenerating ingredients.
- Eyelash serum – It strengthens and stimulates hair growth and also cares for colour and delays the eyelash greying process. Some of the ingredients can also darken the hair colour.
- Henna (eyelash tinting) – this is the fastest way to cover grey hair. Remember that eyelash tinting neither nourishes your hair nor stops the greying process. It only covers up already grey hair well. Henna should be applied by a specialist (a qualified beautician).